Exam stress-How do you think during exam?


                      SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND AND EXAMS

Most of the time students think that exams are already giving them a lot of pressure and to exercise their subconscious field at the same time seems burdensome. On the contrary, playing with one’s subconscious mind is paramount in storing and restoring matters for a long term which needs some practice though. Of course, if you have never heard of something called subconscious mind, but you want to train it only when it’s needed then the result might not favour you as you wished for. But who knows that your determination to go ahead might function instantly as well. You never know, anything is possible in this universe and it works depending on your own competency.

Always remember that desire to exercise your subconscious mind does not come forcibly. One need to be deeply motivated as it is an impulsion not a compulsion. When it comes to doing something mandatory for better future whether it is appearing for the examination or job interview, always tell yourself that either way you need to warm up yourself so, why not do it in a proper way.

Have you ever thought about taking your studies not as your studies but something to really play with and have fun? Why do you think most of the students do not seem to work much harder but are flourishingly doing exceptional? Well, the answer is: we all have practiced it but most of us do not know what it is. People say it luck, hidden talent, being blessed, sharp minded, heredity and many more. None of these things shall be claimed as false. But the good news is, we are the creator of our own luck and we decide what our destiny should look like.

The points which have been acknowledged here is not only going to bring ease just for the students prior to their examinations but any individual can apply it to elicit whatever they are longing for.

Keep your focus straight, correct and mostly directed towards what you are inclined for and that is it. When you keep your mind so much occupied by things you really wished for then, with no time it becomes your reality. Place the aim you want to hit at front seat of your mind with clarity. Mainly keep your focus on positive sides.

The more you give your attention to something whether it’s positive or negative, that is an indicator to your subconscious mind for turning it in to your reality. If your focus is towards failing the exam then you release so many emotions supporting your thoughts like fear, anxiety, panic, attacks and so on. The vibration, your mind and your body are delivering, becomes the signal to your subconscious mind and ultimately, it starts showing up everywhere in to your physical reality. You start seeing people who is failing, news regarding downfall only, etc. and at last you see yourself failing the exam. So be careful while choosing your thoughts and where your attention is going.

You need to trust your power. If you don’t believe it then you are never going to make it, no matter even if you have eaten up all your books.

One should not hold even single percentage of doubt or reluctance to believe in power within while working with subconscious mind. It is always true that if you postulate yourself to be a winner then you are already there and vice versa.

Of course it feels incredibly good to be possessed by positive thoughts isn’t it? Negative stories, talks, thoughts and attitude only pinch your subconscious level to invite more of negative outcomes in to your  outside reality as mentioned above. The universe responds to your thoughts.

Always try to see the positivity in everything. Set your happy moods on and keep on rubbing your hopeful attitude. Do things which make you more relaxed and happy like listening music, watching laughter shows, talking to people you love, playing with children and animals, being close with the nature or sitting just quiet all by yourself. Distance yourself from people who are constantly enabling your thoughts to get provoked or offended. You don’t need people who don’t serve any goodness to you.

Here are some three effective “tion” that allows you to remain positive in every situation. And if you keep practicing them, you will start having total control over your life and what you want to consummate. Do you want to know what these “tion” are? Then have a look below:

§  Medita “tion”

§  Visualiza “tion”

§  Affirma “tion”

Making 15 to 20 minutes of time for yourself is not a crime but propitious. We have been talking too much about focus but meditation gives you the clarity about setting your mind to individual point. It turns out to be very beneficial in boosting your concentration power.

Meditation does activate your subconscious layer.

For students, it is very much fruitful in giving their entire attention to any subject matter they are going through. When a student tends to develop very strong concentration abilities then studying becomes more interesting and inspiring. Just trust on that.

Have you ever noticed yourself repeatedly looking at the pages you need to complete while studying? I don’t know how much you have done those, but for me it happened all the time. Whenever I made myself ready to study, I always read one word and look at the pages still needed to finish. I keep on looking at the clock constantly wondering how many hours I have studied. This is the result of not being able to concentrate.

But once I started working on my focus via meditation, it brought a lot of good changes in my pattern of studying. I was able to control my mind from getting distracted and it started becoming fun to me. There are many ways of meditation. Closing eyes for 15min in the morning with straight up back and folded legs could actually do the magic. Meditation if done for the longer time could take you to the state of zero thought. You will begin to feel the calmness inside you. It is not just helpful for student but for everyone.

Have you ever found yourself so lost in to your imagination that everything you pictured seems extremely real? That is all you need to do. Visualization has been taken as one of the most effective way to get what you want. If we keep on practicing this technique prior to bed at night or fresh in the morning or both of the time or just at any time of the day then it will trigger our subconscious mind to make it true in the outside reality. Manifestation does happen the way you craved it for with proper visualization. Every invention in the world has taken its form through visualization. Wright brothers invented plane because they had the picture so clarion on back of their mind about what they are creating. Even in so many countries and cultures, visualization is used to cure diseases. People are asked to imagine how they would feel if they are cured. Those feelings need to be genuine as if they are happening right now. One is asked to ignore their present situation and concentrate on what they actually want to feel and wish for. You might be thinking that students need to day dream about getting good grades quite often. Yes, it is true. Create your own favourite stories on display of your mind about getting great numbers in exam and of course you being the protagonist of your autobiography. Imagine people visiting and congratulating you and your parents and friends celebrating your success with you teachers patting your back for showing such phenomenal performance and so on. One needs to make this a habit of practicing visualization. Even while you are communicating with others, just talk about things you want instead of complaining about stuffs you didn’t make. It is ok to be selfish and talk good things about yourself because goodness come to those who talk, dream, live and enjoy it frequently.

While rehearsing the technique many people got things they were yearning for direct from their imaginative creation to physical creation. While the manifestation took place in a physical form, people claimed everything was so familiar to them. They got déjà vu feeling, something which has already happened to them.

Visualization can also be implied to remember the answers. Mostly, constant rotting seems boring and short term. Obviously, you rot everything before your exam and forget everything while you have to write it out on your papers then the energy you gave for swallowing the entire notes seem to be quite meaningless. But if you use the same energy in making videos on your mind then you will start enjoying it and the probability to forget things you tried to remember using this technique is very low. Linking certain words with certain images, because subconscious mind/creativemind becomes so active at that time it starts attracting things you imagined. Making ones inmost and intuitive mind more alive has a simple formula and that is just to make a habit and persuasion of anything.

Fake it till you make it. Most of the people think it is completely insane to fake something you have not yet made. Some way or the other, understanding the subconscious mind makes a lot of people judge the entire process. Even I was sceptical about the whole idea of enabling and activating our subconscious to make it work for us. Even you might have felt the same. Visualizing something that hasn’t yet happened? Affirming and saying something like a fool? Imagining of having a lot of money, going to the beach, partying being lucky and happy all the time, saying “I am a successful, confident and a lucky person” to yourself every single day when you are not even moving a step away from your place at the present state? On boy!! Are we crazy to believe in all these? Of course not, right? But this is the way how it works. Most of the people could not make it because they could not fake it or believe on it. And some have done mastery on it. All that is needed is faith in whatever we do. Write down whatever you wished for in a piece of paper. Affirm whatever you have written each day looking at it. Don’t use any negative words like cannot, unhappy, sadness and so on. Use present tense. Never say “I will pass my exam” say “I pass my exam”, do not say “I will be happy” just say “I am happy”. Remember, do not affirm unless you could feel the thrill of it. You need to enjoy the whole unfolding mechanism as if you are already there. This entire process is done to make our subconscious mind sure about things we want to happen. Luck and abundance is all yours if you just believe that it is already yours.

Last but not the least, action speaks louder than words. Action is inevitable but understanding where and how to put forth your action to get the outcome you desired for is something not everybody knows. For a student, rotting the entire course materials is also an action while following all these above mentioned steps are also an action. Which way to go is the decision he/she need to make. Some people are very active performance wise but they doubt themselves beyond any levels and are still found stuck into the place from where they got started. If our mind and action goes hand in hand then we can create miracle. Relax and just give it a try.              

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