Rivers in Nepal | Essay | 2021


                                      RIVERS IN NEPAL

A river is a flowing mass of water. It flows from higher to lower attitude. Nepal is blessed with this gift of nature. It is glossed with many fast flowing rivers. They are of great usefulness. We can find our future if they are fully utilized.

Nepal is rich in water resources. It is said that Nepal is the second richest country in water resource in the world after Brazil. There are many big and small rivers distributed all over the country. They all flow from the north to the south. Some of them are always full of water but others get dry in summer. Some are perennial while others are seasonal.

Most rivers in Nepal flow from Himalayas. They are big and always get water supply from the snow that piles in the Himalayas. The Saptakoshi, Saptagandaki and Karnali are such rivers. Some rivers that have their sources in the Mahabharat are the Mechi, kankai, Trijuga, Kamala, Bagmati, Rapti, etc. The Sirsiya, Jamuni, Ratoo, Hardinath have their origins in the culture. They dry up in the summer season.

Rivers are considered very holy. People worship them in our country. The Hindus believe that river bath helps attain heaven. That is why thousands of people go to the Koshi, Kamala, and other rivers on religious festivals. But nowadays, they are being polluted. Corpses are also burnt on the river banks for the same religious belief. Rivers are useful in other ways also. They provide us with fish, turtles, waterfowl and other articles of food. They help us irrigate land. Rivers and river valley projects provide electric power. Our rivers are good for rafting too. So many tourists go there for this purpose.

Rivers are a blessing but they are also a challenge. When they are in flood, they are a curse. They originate from Himalayas and flow towards southern plain. They bring about devastation. Crops, houses, animals and men are washed away. Our most of the rivers are fast flowing. Koshi river is called the sorrow of eastern Nepal because of the destruction it brings. Besides the water of most rivers has been polluted due to various environment polluting elements. Anyway, they should be protected for any reasons.

To sum up, rivers are boon to us. We must wisely use them for our benefit. They must be kept free from pollution. We can check damage by making embankment in the needy areas. Rivers in fact are those assets in which we can find our destiny.



  • ·       Programmes must be conducted to protect sources of river.
  • ·       Killing aquatic animals using poisons and electronic equipment must be banned.
  • ·       The area most prone to landslides, floods, etc. must be afforested.
  • ·       People in their domestic level can also contribute to conserve the source of river by using it productively.
  • ·       The distribution and supply of river water must be systemized.
  • ·       Polluted rivers must be treated, surface water must be stored and excess water must be used efficiently.
  • ·       The system of re-using polluted water must be developed through various ways of treatment and purification.

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