Multimedia Technology and its applications-2022



Computers have changed from huge mainframes to small desktop computers along with time. The first personal computers could not produce sounds. They just displayed the text on the screen. But over the years, a number of new technologies have emerged which have extended the power of machines adding faster chips, sound cards, bigger monitors and so on. So, multimedia technology has emerged gradually.

Multimedia Technology

Multimedia technology allows us to store the data and information for the future reference. A CD-ROM or DVD which is light, cheap, durable and portable storage media is used to store the data and information in the multimedia technology. Especially, it is used to store and distribute the multimedia applications, hence it is also called multimedia CD or DVD. We can learn the related subject matter effectively using a multimedia CD in a multimedia computer set as we see the film on TV. This technology is more effective, attractive and interactive than reading a book. We must go to college or school to learn the subject matter through the book; and it takes a long time to learn. Learning through the book cannot be so much clear and effective. But using multimedia in a computer, we can learn the same subject matter more easily in a short time because multimedia technology allows us to manipulate our subject matter according to our wish in an interactive way in different forms, such as text, graphics and audio, video. So, if we get our subject matter in such different forms, obviously we learn the matter without difficulty in short time and it is not necessary to take help of other people. So, nowadays, multimedia technology is very popular specially to share the idea, views, thought of the people in an effective and interactive way.

Multimedia Computer System

Multimedia is a system, which has the capability to integrate two or more types of media such as text, graphics, animation, audio and video. It also has the capabilities of getting input, digitizing, compressing, decompressing, storing, retrieving the data and information and demonstrating them in an interactive manner. It is not possible to integrate and manipulate such type of media or data and information using a single component. So, it needs different types of components to manipulate the data and information related to the multimedia application. Some of the common components are:


  • Computer
  • Software (Windows Media Player, Adobe illustrator, Macromedia Flash, Power Point etc.)
  • CD ROM drive/DVD drive
  •  Sound card
  •  Microphone
  •  Head phone
  • Digital camera
  • Projector

Each of these components has a specific function that helps to regulate the multimedia system as each organ of our body has a specific function that helps to regulate our body system.

Multimedia Applications

The capabilities of multimedia technology to handle different types of media make them suitable for wide range of applications and users. Multimedia technology is changing the way we work, learn, play and organize our lives. It is a perfect teacher for the child, a complete information vendor for the professionals and an absolute necessity for anyone wanting to learn themselves. It has gained worldwide acceptance in almost all the areas of human interest, whether it is business, presentation or simulation, education or training, entertainment, video graphics or animations. Some of the areas where multimedia could have direct impact are explained below:

Video Games

Multimedia technology is adopted in computer video games. Due to the arrival of multimedia technology, it is making possible to keep interactive and exciting sound, graphics or animation in the video games available in the computer. Sound and animation have been made possible to adopt in the video game by multimedia technology. Graphics are particularly important features in these applications that make the game thrilling and exciting for the user. Nowadays, very interesting and exciting video games are available in the market.

Multimedia in Presentation

           Multimedia application is also used to present information in a variety of forms (text, graphics, animation, audio, video) involving the use of more of our senses. Multimedia     has ability to accommodate different elements which can prepare the presentation in a better way. Multimedia application can make more interactive and effective explanation of the related subject matter to the students. It is extremely effective in getting new ideas and concepts of the subject matter. Moreover, it helps in making the presentation more interesting to hold the student's attention.

Apply Special Effects in Film

Several movies, nowadays, contain many visual tricks, which could never be accomplished without the aid of multimedia computer technology. For example, in the movies, the scenes of a man being transformed to a woman, a man to a ghost, etc. are shown by using computer multimedia graphic technique called morphing. English movies like Titanic, Star Wars, Superman, Spiderman, Robot, have used multimedia technology for providing special effects. In the cartoon films, the natural movement of cartoon pictures are shown using the animation technique of multimedia technology.

Multimedia for Public Accessing

Generally, public accessing refers to a touchscreen monitor system with the multimedia technology which is a user friendly graphical user interface for general public. For example, a touch screen system placed at an airport might provide the travelers with information on tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels, along with graphic images and maps showing how to get there. A large museum may use the multimedia public accessing system to provide the visitors with information and types of displays and their locations in the museum. A cosmetic counter in a supermarket may provide customers with information on make up for particular skin types and colors using the multimedia information provider.

Animated Advertisement

For sales promotion, companies often advertise their products and services on television. Several of these advertisements use computer animation to effectively communicate the usefulness of the products or services. For example, if you carefully watch the advertisements for detergent soap/powders, toothpastes, insecticides for mosquitoes and cockroaches, etc. you will see a few scenes in them, which cannot be video-graphed. These scenes  of computer animation are produced by using multimedia technology.

Foreign Language Learning

Using a book for learning a foreign language is difficult because one is not sure how to pronounce the words written in the textual form. Using a multimedia program, which incorporates text and sound, a learner can see words and phrases on the screen as they are pronounced by the computer program. The learner also has the flexibility to request the computer to pronounce any word displayed on the screen by selecting that word. Additional features may be incorporated in the program to assist in faster learning process. For example, if the learner does not understand the meaning of a word or phrase, he/she may point to display a translation for it in his/her native language.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is an artificial environment created with computer hardware and software and presented to the user in such a way that it appears real. Virtual reality uses headset and data gloves. The headset covers the eyes and ears and projects sights and sounds generated by the computer. The glove transmits the orientation of the hand, enabling the computer to tell where you looking, reaching or pointing. This technology will enhance multimedia by supporting real time, interactive, three dimensional graphics.

Advantages of Multimedia Technology

  • It makes teaching, learning easier in the classroom.
  • It is portable.
  • It makes easy to share views, ideas and thoughts among various people around the world.
  • It can store the data and information for a long period.
  • It is very cheap to get the knowledge about the related subject matter in a short time through multimedia.
  • It makes presentation of the related subject matter attractive.
  • It allows adding audio, video, text and graphics to make the subject matter interactive and attractive.
  • Presentation can be done in a big screen so that many people can see it.

                         Disadvantages of Multimedia Technology

  • It needs a multimedia computer set and techno man to prepare the multimedia presentation. So it may be more expensive to prepare in the beginning.
  • It is not possible to distribute and use in the remote areas where poor people stay.

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