Importance of Newspapers | Essay | 2021


                       IMPORTANCE OF NEWSPAPER

There are different media of information and communication. Among them Newspapers are the printing media of information. They have a significant role to educate the people. They have now been the part of modern life. Everyone fondly reads newspaper for information, news and advertisement.

Some are published daily where as some are weekly, fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly and so on. The main objective of newspaper is to carry news, views, opinion, information and advertisement to different direction. It is the cheapest source of information. Now a-days, it has become as essential to us as our food and drink. So we can simply call present world is flooded with newspapers.

Newspaper enable us to get information about different part of the world sitting in our living room. It is equally important for all professionals i.e. students, teachers, farmers, politicians and others. The jobseekers can find the places to apply going through advertisements published in them. The businessman can promote their business through advertisement in newspapers.

A newspaper is a common messenger of the government and the citizens of a country. It brings the news of the government to the citizens. It also carries the opinions of the people to the government. Thus, it is a source of public opinion also. It finely bridges gap between government and people.

Newspaper carry information from all directions. Most newspaper aim to carry fair and right information. They aim to educate about their rights and duties. They are the means to educate people politically. They in true sense are the custodians of people’s right and freedom.

A newspaper is a printed media of information. So only, the educate people can use it. It is meaningless to uneducated people. Similarly, some publications house give top priority to make the best sale of papers. They publish twisted and false news. It may create confusion among the readers. So the newspapers should publish true news and convey appropriate information to its readers.

Hence, reading of newspaper is essential to know the current events of the world. It is newspaper which enables us to exchange our views and ideas from the people living at different places. In fact, it is boon to the modern age.

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