how does optimism affects physical health? -2021



Being optimistic or pessimistic is at your own will. Though, we might feel it is a result of our experience, feelings, thoughts, environment, culture and/or education, we can alter it as per our awareness.

Being optimistic always is not possible and not worthy even but, it is way helpful and healthier than always being pessimistic.

E.g. if you are rejected in a job interview, you have two direction of thinking; either you can think why you have been rejected or think why you are not selected. It is up to you how you will fill each direction. Let’s see one as an optimistic view and, other as a pessimistic view.

If you want to fill with a pessimistic view, you can put the following factors such as looks, ethnicity, race, GPA and experience. Whereas, if you want to fill with an optimistic view, the following factors can be considered as dressing up, confidence level, facial expressions, body language, eye contact, education and qualification.

If you choose to fill up with a pessimistic view, it will hold you back whenever you face an interview; whereas, if you choose to fill with an optimistic view, you will trend to improve and work on various factors that will enhance your worthiness for selection.

You may not realize but, your sub-conscious mind will play greater role in being optimistic or pessimistic here, than conscious mind.

Your conscious mind might be telling you to dress well, increase your confidence level, improve your body language, and maintain an eye contact but, your sub-conscious mind may be still stuck with your looks, ethnicity, race and/or experience.

This will affect your conscious mind when you face the interview every time thus, letting you down time and again. The change you will have to bring is at your sub-conscious level. Instead of thinking I didn’t get the job because I don’t look good and/or I’m white/black/Asian and/or I don’t have much experience, you have to think in the opposite way. Appreciate your looks; as such there is no benchmark or standard for good looks. Refer to the successful people in your mind who are white/black/Asian. And, never underestimate your knowledge based on your experience, because experience is earned, not possessed.

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