essay on internet-2022


The Internet is worldwide computer network that interconnects, millions of computing devices throughout the world. Most of these devices are PC's, and servers that store and transmit information such as web pages and e-mail messages. Internet is revolutionizing and enhancing the way we as humans communicate, both locally and globally. Everyone wants to be a part of it because the Internet literally puts a world of information and a potential worldwide audience at everyones fingertips. The Internet evolved from the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to which other networks were added to form an inter network. The present Internet is a collection of several hundred thousand of networks rather than a single network.

Therefore, Internet is a network of networks, that means, it is a web of networks. From there evolved a high speed backbone of Internet access for sharing information on different networks. The end of the decade saw the emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW), which announces a platform independent means of communication enhanced with a pleasant and relatively easy-to-use graphical interface. World Wide Web is an example of an information protocol/service that can be used to send and receive information over the Internet. It supports: 

MuItimediaInformation (text, movies, pictures, sound, and programs etc.)

Hypertext Information (information that contains links to other information resources).

Graphic User Interface (users can point and click to request information instead of typing in text commands).

The World Wide Web model follows Client/Server software design. A service that uses Client/server design requires two pieces of software to work: Client Software, which is used to request information, and Server Software, which is an Information Provider.

The server software for the World Wide Web is called an HTTP server (or informally a Web server), Examples are Mac HTTP, CERN HITP, and NCSA HTTP. The client software for World Wide Web is called a Web browser. Examples are: Netscape, and Internet Explorer.

Uses of Internet in nepal

The world wide scope of the internet makes it, perhaps, the single most valuable tool for use in many significant ways by both non-profit and commercial organization, or individuals. Internet can be used especially as a cheapest and fastest means for the following three reasons;

  • ·     Search and retrieve the useful information.
  • ·     Provide or disseminate information to others.
  • ·     Compile information such as public poll, and survey.

Some of the important current strategic uses of the internet can be described as follows:       

1.   Communication:

Computer users around the world extensively use the email, messenger, video-conferencing or web-conferencing, and face book services on the Internet to communicate with each other. Instant messaging and chat, peer-to-peer communication, can be used for sharing and communication. Even the telephone conversation, video phone, and internet radio are also becoming popular. The emergence of voice over internet protocol posed a threat on standard telephone communication (PSTN) by bypassing it. Therefore, Internet has become the most popular, effective, reliable, and fastest tool of communication. Different types of internet based communication tools are;

  •    Email     
  •    Web-conferencing       
  •    Messenger and chat             
  •    News groups        
  •    Internet phone
  • Facebook and Blogs etc. 


2. Software Sharing:

The Internet provides access to a large number of shareware software, development tools, and utilities. There are so many free sites which provides facility to download the needed software like Antivirus, Zip, Messenger, multimedia file and many more.

   3. News and Exchange of Views:

The internet has a number of world wide news groups. News groups are specialized forums in which users with a common interest can exchange information. News groups be on technical or non-technical topics including politics, religion, science, history, entertainment etc. Unlike messenger or chats service, News groups are not real time, and a person can post a message which can be viewed by others whenever they log in. Each news group has its own style and customs.

4. Posting of information of general interest:

Many users use the internet as a large electronic bulletin board on which information of general interest can be posted to bring it to the attention of interested users around the world. For example, information about career opportunities, conference, events announcements, etc.

5. Product Promotion and Feedback:

Several commercial organizations use the internet services for promoting their products effectively as well as getting feedback from them. Many online advertisements, product brochures, specifications, price, new arrivals etc. can be found online.

6. Customer support service:

Many organizations also use the internet to provide timely customer support. The combined e-mail, ftp, chat, call service and other services on the internet provide necessary enabling tools for such fast rate customer support.

7. Online journals and magazines: 

Many online journals, magazines, newspapers, articles, reports, books etc., both free of cost and on payment, can be easily accessed. The internet now has literally thousands of electronic subscriptions found online both for free and low cost. One can read online or download into his computer.

 8. Electronic Commerce and Online Shopping:

The internet has also facilitated the introduction of a new market concept consisting of virtual shops. These shops remain open 24 hours all the year round, and are accessible to purchasers all around the world. They provide information about products or services for sale through www servers. One can order the product online by filling up the purchase order form, pay online using credit cards, and receive the acknowledgement online; and get the product delivered to his/her home.

9. World-wide videoconference:

World-wide video conferencing and web conferencing are emerging services on the internet allowing a group of users located around the globe to talk and Interact with each other as if they were sitting and discussing in a single room, by using a web camera or conferencing camera, microphone and the computer. 

10. Online Banking:

Now most of the banks provide the web account so that all the related information can be easily seen while sitting anywhere around the world, not only seeing the information, even money can be transferred from one place to another other without going to the bank. The cash withdraw from any bank anywhere is also possible due to online connection of banks and user accounts. 

10.  Online Education:

Nowadays, many universities are providing the formal education and training   through Internet. Universities provide all the information in their web sites. One can get admission online by filling online application form, send academic credentials in digitized form, get acceptance letter and pay online, get learning materials, complete assignment and get teachers' feedback online, and even he or she can appear exams and get the result online. This has made the worldwide education possible and get, the universally recognized degrees from renowned universities and colleges.  

11.  Remote Login: 

It means the service through which the user anywhere on the Internet can log on to any other computer on which he/she has an account. This can be done using telnet, rlogin or ssh programs.

12. File Transfer:

FTP programs can be used to copy or transfer files from one computer to another on the Internet. We can upload our files into our websites, hosted on ISPs servers, using FTP.

13. Interactive Entertainment:

Interactive entertainment is gaining popularity among all groups of people. Video on demand, multimedia, movies and songs can be accessed in an interactive environment, take part in live shows or discussions, quizzes, electronic gambling etc.

14. Information anywhere anytime:

Any person having Internet access can get any information anytime from anywhere in the world. Irrespective of the type of user such as home, business, mobile or social worker, user can access digital libraries, radio or TV programs, music, learning or teaching materials, information on food and clothing, goods and services, or any other information.

15.  World Wide Web:

The World Wide Web is simply referred to as Web. It is the latest addition to the Internet to exchange information. The Web is vast network of HTTP servers (Web servers) that store documents called Web pages and these are accessible on the Internet. It is abbreviated as www or 3w. It is the easiest way to search and get the desired information on the Internet.

Internet has revolutionized the world by converting it into a small global village. Accessing or disseminating information is simple, fast, effective and efficient. It is a huge source of information and its applications are diverse. Despite many advantages, Internet does have few disadvantages or negative effects as well on social, political, ethical and business sectors.

Some of the most serious disadvantages are;

·     Web site hacking, piracy, credit card number and      bank account hacking and theft.

·     Virus attacks, spy ware, spams, email bombing        etc.



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