Cyber law And Computer Ethics-2021-Nepal


Cyber law

The term “cyberspace” was used in 1984 by the author, William Gibson in his scientific novel ‘Neuromancer’ to describe virtual world of computer such as the internet, computers, computer network, telecommunication, etc. today, cyberspace has become synonyms with the internet. However, cyberspace is known as the WWW (World Wide Web). The cyberspace is governed by a system of law and regulation called Cyber law. So, the cyber law is defined as “the law which governs the legal issues in the cyberspace regarding the internet or WWW (World Wide Web) for digital data processing and transaction.”

Legal recognition of e-commerce practices has come a long way from the initial adoption of the united nations commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Model law on Electronic commerce by the General Assembly of the United nations in early 1997.

Cyber law includes a wide variety of legal issues related to the use of communication technology, such as the use of internet as well as any other form of computer, digital processing and related devices. The major components include in the cyber law are;

  • Electronic and Digital Signature Law
  • Computer Crime/Cyber Crime Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Data Protection and Privacy Law
  • Telecommunication Law


Electronic and digital law

The digital signature is a security mechanism system in the cyberspace for digital data processing and their transformation. It requires two keys, one public key and another private key, which are used to encrypt messages before transmission and to decrypt them on receipt time using the hash algorithm.

The digital signature allows the user to attach a code on the document of electronic records or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in various e-sectors for the data transformation, such as e-mail, e-business, e-banking, etc. It is necessary to keep the uniformity standard and guarantee in all the activities of the e-sector. So, to control such standard, it needs a powerful and comprehensive law, which is called digital signature law. The electronic signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of the USA is one of the parts of cyber law.

Computer Crime/Cyber Crime Law  

Cybercrime refers to illegal actions involved in any computer, computer system or over all computer network like the Internet. Our dependency on the computer and internet is growing day by day, which has made us potential victims of the internet threats. It can increase computer crimes, such as theft of computer hardware and software, theft of data, destruction of data by computer virus, hacking the computer, etc. Some countries have enacted legislation that specifically deal with computer crimes. Others have adopted their existing laws to reduce computer crimes and offence the computing world.

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property is very wide and includes literature and art, film, computer programs, inventions, designed and marks used by traders for their goods or services.

The term ‘intellectual property’ which is related to cyberspace and its various components is covered by cyber law. It includes various laws such as copyright law which is related to computer software; computer source code, trademark law which is related to domain names, semi-conductor law which is related to the protection of semi-conductor design and layout. In addition to this, patent and trademark laws are also included in it, which are related to computer hardware and software.

Data Protection and Privacy Law

Data protection and privacy refers to the process of ensuring the preservation, integrity and reliability of data. Important valuable data and information are processed and stored in the computer system. Only authenticated persons should process, copy delete, transmit and receive the respective data and information. To manage this system, data protection and privacy law is enacted. Data protection and privacy are important to computers. To perform this operation many nations have made laws relating to data protection and privacy. It is really critical to protect the fundamental rights and privacy of an individual due to the nature of the Internet and the amount and information that may be accessed from it. So, these laws would play a vital role on insecure networks such as the Internet.

Telecommunication Law

The transmission and reception of information of any type, including data, television pictures, sound, and facsimiles, using electrical or optical signals sent over wires or fibers or through the air is called telecommunication. Cyberspace does not only cover the Internet and computers, but it also covers those places where two or more cables or wires meet. So, telecommunication systems also come in the field of cyberspace and they are also a necessary part of the cyber law.

International Cyber Law

  When the information technology started for the first time in the world, there was no law about it. But in course of time many problems and evils appeared. For the amendment of these evils and problems or to control the situation, people realized the need of law according to the time. At first, America started making the laws as follows.

  • Fair credit reporting Act in 1970 -This law has made provision of the rights to see one's own credit record without paying.
  • Freedom of Information Act in 1970 — The right provided by the state to the public to see the information.
  • This Act provided the state the right to see the record of an individual if it wished.
  • Video Privacy Protection Act in 1988 — No one can see and use the other's personal record without the court's order.
  •  Copyright Act 1992 — The law to stop unauthorized copy. The penalty is 5 years    in custody and a fine of US dollar 250,000.

Cyber Law of Nepal

"The Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act-Ordinance" is popularly known as "Cyber Law" of Nepal. The government of Nepal has passed this law on 30th Bhadra 2061 BS (15 September 2004). This law has provided new trust to the Information Technology (IT) sector, and IT professionals are hopeful that it will create a favourable situation for conducting IT business. The major interesting provisions of this Act are:

  •  Provision of legal status to digital signatures, electronic record for Introducing e-banking, e-shopping, e-commerce, etc.
  • Provision for license regarding the IT customers and their duties and responsibilities.
  •  Provision of formation of a judicial body to listen to computer related crimes and their duties, rights and responsibilities.
  •  Provisions of punishment to a hacker who damages programs or data residing in other computer or network or illegally copies them.
  •  Likewise, the interpretation of the service of network facilities telecommunication and their obligation, duty service and clarification have been mentioned.

Apart from this, the law mentions what kind of punishment the person gets in computer crime, fraud, disclosure of secrecy, fraud license, theft, destruction, spreading false message, etc. If a person does such crimes, he/she will be fined as well as imprisoned.

Computer Ethics

Computer is a very powerful machine; it has great working capabilities. If we are using a computer, we must maintain the computer capabilities and try to get optimum utility. To maintain the computer capabilities, every user should follow computer ethics. Computer ethics refer to a kind of international law that gives awareness to the user regarding the immoral behavior and activities in the computing field, So, computer ethics are defined as "to follow the rules and regulation of computer technology and not to harm other computer users knowingly or unknowingly," If we do not follow the computer ethics, it can create a great problem for society, our community, institution, nation, and us. It may also affect in the international level. Keeping bad intention, one should not do the immoral acts like stealing a digital signature or password of the Internet, destroying or deleting software, data file, information, personal record, etc. The major provisions included in the computer ethics are as follows.

  • You should not steal, destroy, and use the digital signature.
  •  You should not destroy, erase or edit the personal or group records.
  •  You should not spread false and illegal information.
  • You should not copy or use software for which you have not paid.
  • You should not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper constant.

In European countries, cyber law and computer ethics have been introduced since 1970 but in Nepal, cyber law was introduced only from 30th Bhadra 2061 B.S. However, computer ethics have not been applied properly till now.




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