why do geese fly in v formation?2022



Longman dictionary defines sub-conscious as the part of our mind that has thoughts and feelings that we do not realize exist, but which influence our behavior.

According to Webster’s dictionary, sub-conscious is that portion of mental activity not in the focus of consciousness. It defines sub-conscious as only dimly conscious; not fully aware, as an automatic action.

Some people say sub-conscious is anything that comes automatically; when we start to think, it is conscious. E.g. while giving speech; if we start talking without thinking or preparing, what comes directly from mind is subconscious; whereas, if we prepare the speech on what we are going to say is conscious.

Sun-conscious is the bank of memory of past events, experience and thoughts which shapes our behavior directly or indirectly.

Our sub-conscious had been evolved since ancient time through experiences. It is evolved from reptilian brain about 200 million years ago which is about instincts like hunger, sex, etc. and then from limbic brain which is about emotions like love, hatred, happy, grief, etc. then, eventually from cortex brain about 40,000 years ago which is analytical i.e., about thinking, logic, etc.

Either sub-conscious mind is a part of conscious mind or conscious mind is a part of sub-conscious mind is debatable. But, sub-conscious mind and conscious mind are two different states of mind and, unconsciousmind as another state of mind.

Not just humans, all living being have sub-conscious.

Why do geese fly in a V formation?

because it would be too hard to fly in an S! OK, that’s a joke. Scientists have determined that the V-shaped formation that geese use when migrating serves two important purposes.

First, it conserves their energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of him, resulting in a reduction of wind resistance. The birds take turns being the front, falling back when they get tired. In this way, the geese can fly for a long time before they must stop for rest. The authors of a 2001 Nature article stated that pelicans that fly alone beat their wings more frequently and have higher heart beats rates than those that fly in formation. It follows that birds that fly in formation glide more often and reduce energy expenditure (Weimerskirch, 2001).

The second benefit to the V formation is that it is easy to keep track of every bird in the group. Flying in formation may assist with the communication and coordination within the group. Fighter pilots often use this formation for the same reason.

Carnivorous plant can:

·       Attracts insects

·       Capture bugs

·       Discriminate between food and non-food

·       Digest their prey

All of these steps are accomplished through simple mechanical and chemical processes. Unlike us, plants don’t have a brain or nervous system to coordinate their physiological functions and tell them that they are hungry so they should go buy food from the nearest store. Plants also don’t have complex muscles and tendons to grab food, chew, swallow and process it. The Venus flytrap completes the entire process by way of a specialized set of leaves that is both mouth and stomach in one.

The pattern of geese flying or the action of Venus flytrap plant can be the reason of their sub-conscious as after all it is their behavior.





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