power of subconscious mind pdf





Basically these topics are categorized as:

‘Three state of minds’


Okay very first of all let’s understand “How our mind works?”



Mind is a precious portion of a human where information is stored. It reacts, perceives, feels and thinks on the basis of memory stored. It enables us to be aware of the world.

Have you ever thought the reason behind feeling happy, angry, sad, disgust, irritation, etc. is all how your mind works? There are 4 steps of how mind is operated:

  • Observe
  • Store
  • Think
  • React  

Certainly our mind and the thinking pattern grow from one stage to another and each phase is very distinct and different. Firstly, we observe the activities or information and then store in the mind as memory. Whenever, that information is being used, we start to recall that memory and react. Mind can stimulate the subconscious mind into action, change habit, and reverse negative things into pattern. Conscious mind can influence our      involuntary actions. It is like a RAM in a computer. Any recent memory are stored for a quick retrieval or recall when needed, such as telephone numbers, address, name of people you just meet, etc. It also holds your current programs that you run every day such as your current recurring thoughts, behavior patterns, habits and feelings.

Your mind consumes information from the environment and circumstance you are in and then reacts to it. If you are around pessimistic people then your mind starts thinking negatively and those vibes will emerge as irritation, anger etc. but if you are around optimistic people then your mind will start thinking positive things which leads to be a positive thinker who always believe in themselves. Therefore, your mind works as what types of information are stored. Among all important steps, storage of the information is most important, which help to operate each and every activities of your behavior.

All the activities or your behavior are all performed from the memory which is strong in your mind. When you were a child you learnt “A for apple”. It is difficult when you start murmuring and memorize then you used to forget after some minutes but when you imagine apple as a round shape figure of red color then you will remember forever. This is called the power of your mind. Some may have ability to remember the information at once while some others may have important so that they can be utilized when needed. Using your mind at right time, right place and at right situation is the most powerful things of charging your mind.


Okay so let’s talk about the STATE OF MIND

Mind is divided into three systems: conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Simple way to understand the system of mind is to imagine the mind is like a computer. Your conscious mind is best represented by the RAM. Your subconscious mind is like a hard in a computer.

At a time, a person’s conscious mind and subconscious mind works together and are present in the human mind. Whereas, unconscious mind is such a state of mind where subconscious power is very weak, however the subconscious is present but, the unconscious state of mind is so powerful that it overshadows almost 100% of conscious mind, due to which we cannot remember or partially remember the events during the unconscious state. Others such as meditation, usage of drugs or alcohol, etc. are altered state of the conscious mind.




Subconscious mind is slow but strong. Your subconscious mind will be available right below the conscious mind. Imagine you are walking on a road and at the same time you are having a conversation with your friend on mobile and you are not paying attention about the direction from office to home because the information has been already stored in your subconscious mind. You are operating on the basis of subconscious power.

Subconscious is present in our mind all the time. It works 24/7, even when we are sleeping. Some memories from subconscious can be retrieved while some can be very difficult to retrieve. It is a trained (automatic and/or manual) part of a conscious state of mind.

Our mind is in a pure subconscious state while we are dreaming. Dreams are the dislocated, diverged, unorganized, and random memory of subconscious mind.




Conscious mind is the one I like to call it fast but weak. You are aware of present situations. Basically, aware of what is happening. For example, you may be having a certain conservation with your friends and you are being aware listening to the conservation or maybe you are watching a Korean movie and try to understand the conservation by reading subtitle carefully. This is how your conscious mind works.

Though we feel like we are always in conscious state, conscious state keeps on changing. Conscious mind can be transformed into altered state of consciousness or unconscious state of mind.

Subconscious mind doesn’t transform. It only gets weakened or strong according to the transformation of conscious mind. Conscious mind is the guide of a conscious mind. And your conscious mind depends on concentration.

People whose conscious mind remains weak often suffer from unfocused thinking.




You are not being aware of the activities you perform. You don’t easily access the information stored in your unconscious mind. It is the long term storage place for all your memories and programs that have been installed since birth. For example, most of the memories during your childhood days can’t be accessed. In terms of storage, unconscious mind can be referred as a part of the subconscious mind which can’t be accessed. It is the hidden parts of subconscious mind

   Store our fears. Phobias, feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feeling of pain, anxiety or conflict.

When a person uses a heavy dosage of drugs or alcohol, his state of mind can be unconscious thereby, conscious state being partially present.


When a person gets faints or passes out, his state of mind is unconscious thereby, conscious state of being totally covered by unconscious state of mind.

However, subconscious mind is always present.




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