Essay on importance of agriculture in Nepal-2021


                        AGRICULTURE IN NEPAL

The work related to cultivating crops in the field and keeping different animals and birds is known as agriculture. Producing different food crops, cash crop and animal husbandry are the forms of agriculture. It is an ancient profession. Nepal is an agricultural country. Hence, it is the principal occupation of Nepalese people.

Nepal has not made satisfactory progress in industry. Most people are uneducated here. Therefore, people do not have other alternative occupation except agriculture. Nearly 80% Nepalese population directly depend of agriculture. It is not only the source of food supply; it is also the source of national revenue. It forms most goods to export to other countries.

However, agriculture is backward in our country. Our land does not give satisfactory yield due to many causes. Our farmers are poor and so they cannot spend much money on farming. They are illiterate and do not know the scientific methods of agriculture. They follow the old traditional method. Again, their land is divided into small holdings. Irrigational facilities, improved seeds and fertilizers are not available to them. Agriculture is not as profitable as industry. It is the  main reason that our farmers do not have good economic condition.

Our agriculture needs urgent reformation. The above problems should be solved. Farmers should be lent money to improve their farming. They should be trained in modern methods. Irrigation, improved seeds, fertilizers, implements, etc should be made available in time. Besides, there should be market facility. Cash crops should be encouraged and their market should be ensure. It can not only solve the existing unemployment problem, but also enrich national economy.

Thus, development of agriculture is the urgent need of our country. Government should make effective land rules and plans to improve our agriculture. Unless agriculture is developed, the farmers will have to suffer a lot and we people will suffer from high price rising.


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